Week in review 4

Sometimes I set intentions for a week, workout 5 days and eat full meals each day and read the stack of research journals piling up on my nightstand, and when I don’t achieve those goals I take it as an excuse to get down on myself. Nevermind the fact that I was already feeling down on myself to begin with, which is why I didn’t accomplish any of the things I had hoped… vicious cycle much?

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Rather than getting down on myself, I am choosing to recognize what I did accomplish this week, however small it may seem. Shoutout as always to Meghan for giving me the forum to spill the crazy thoughts in my brain.

I got at least 8 hours of sleep each night, with a little extra on the weekend in the form of naps. Sure my hair my look a little crazy when I rock a ponytail for the third day in a row, but who am I to argue with my body when it wants just 5 more minutes?

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I worked a full week at my regular job, including writing annual reviews for 2 of my most challenging students. I also saw two home health patients and continued getting set up for part-time hours in a local pediatric clinic. I may have an increasingly thick stack of articles I want to read to help me design the best treatment for the wide range of individuals I treat, but I always leave work feeling like I made a difference for somebody.

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I fully enjoyed all my co-treatment sessions with occupational therapy. From yoga to crab walking I got a full range of movement at work each day this week. I may not have had the motivation to do any additional exercise, but the movement I got did my body good.

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I spent Sunday afternoon/evening tearing apart all our belongings in the basement and reboxing them in some semblance of order. During this time I also bagged up several bags of unused items for donation and attempted to convince Z that he should do the same.

Annnd that’s about it. I’m hoping to move out of this funk in the week to come, but I’m also trying to be respectful of my body’s natural highs and lows by not pushing myself if my motivation doesn’t come back.

Do you struggle with your motivation? Do you push through or give yourself a break?


3 thoughts on “Week in review 4

  1. I think being respectful of your body’s highs and lows is the most important thing. Embrace the need to hibernate, relax or whatever and let go of the guilt. In the end you’ll feel so glad you did and ultimately the rest will allow you to get your mojo back. Hang in there; you’re doing awesome.


  2. My biggest struggle is making myself take a break. I can feel it when it starts to build…the anxiety goes up (love that Charlie Brown cartoon) and I’m less patient with my family. That’s when step back and get some alone time that is NOT productive so I can return to my formerly happy self.


  3. The Peanuts quote is a favorite of mine. Charlie Brown gets me. I am a huge proponent of sleep over hair routine. I figure that my hair can stand to be in a bun or pony tail, but my entire body and mind will be groggy/grumpy if I don’t get enough sleep 🙂 Kudos to you for respecting your feelings and caring for your body mindfully. That’s not always easy to do, but it sounds like you did wonderfully. Happy Monday!


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